‘Rolling Down The Road’ is Guardian top pick

The cliche is that good things come to those who wait, but with our 2020 show ‘Rolling Down The Road’, it seems it really is true! This week The Guardian’s Chris Wiegand highlighted the show in his round up of the best theatre to stream this month.

Our family muscial adventure is in excellent company next to Saddler’s Wells and The National Theatre. We co-produced Rolling Down The Road with Half Moon Theatre in 2020 and it sadly very much a victim of the Covid19 pandemic. Thanks to support from The Story Museum, we eventually filmed a version of the show which toured digitally in 2021, but it never really got to the outing it deserved, which makes this unexpected spotlight all the more pleasing.

You can still watch the show via Half Moon Theatre’s ‘on demand’ platform here:
Watch Rolling Down The Road online now.


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